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Dreams of Hinata,Some nightmares,real stories of life

 Hello Friends ,

Well I am here just to share my dreams , which may sound crazy but , I hope it will be entertaining for some of you as well who don't fear the ghosts or some creatures ( mainly parasitic creatures ). These Parasitic creature may devour whole human body.

Well, In the end all of this is just a dream. It starts from a scene , When I arrived at the roof for some reason and well there is a silence all around . There  was a lady wearing black dress (can't remember exactly but it looks like she was about 30 year old or something). She was staring from behind the wall dividing roof of my house to neighbours house. 

When I realised someone is staring at me from behind it was a bad feeling like , What I am gonna do , why I am here , please god send my mom , many other thoughts like these came to my mind and at the same time I was reciting some mantra(Indian prayer). I was terrified since the environment around me looks exactly what I have seen in all the horror movies and the silence around me with barking of dogs and this wind. Huh

And after this particular moment that lady jumps toward me and It's like she doesn't wanted to hurt but she wanted to push me away for some reason , I was so terrified that I just ran without wasting a second and I woke my mom and told her about this incident , She looked at me with a smile on her face and she said, "Don't worry dear , Next time you see her just beat her with your bare hands". 

When I woke up really then It was around 2'O clock in night and I woke my elder sister so that lady won't hurt me. And this really was a Dream....

Well Thanks for reading my Dream ,  Have a Good Day  


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